Difference between revisions of "User:Alma/Builds/Second Stories Detroit"

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(Created page with "This place is mostly done, but if people want to suggest +views that would be fun. Some places that could have views * The exterior has ribbons and twirling hangings that pe...")
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Latest revision as of 10:51, 8 April 2018

This place is mostly done, but if people want to suggest +views that would be fun.

Some places that could have views

  • The exterior has ribbons and twirling hangings that people have made, but some people have died or moved on and people memorialize them in different ways, for example, a white or black ribbon might get tied on to one of the hanging pieces. You could add something there.
  • The inside has a bulletin board, an unfinished mural, an old bakers rack that can display things people have done, like art projects, painted figurines, etc.
  • There is shelving with books and games and such.
  • It's a place where kids hang out, there is probably some graffiti and then graffiti that got painted over the graffiti and sublime and asinine things.