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Revision as of 09:18, 21 March 2017


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Werewolf We are monsters, beautiful, horrible, monsters. But sometimes it takes a monster to banish the demons.
Vampire Disgusting blood demons who steal the life of others. Kill them.
Demon We have a long history battling demons in Asia. They are the foot soldiers of Great Centipede and should be sent screaming back to the hells they came from.
Wraith Honor the ancestors or their curse might fall upon you.
Mage The Lightning People are dangerous. Only a fool would play with lightning and not expect to get burned.
Sorcerer Didn't we just go over the Lightning People?
Changeling Do you mean the kami? Spirits of nature? What are you talking about?

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Sera: Her burden was a heavy one, I know it well.
Shadi: You are my friend no matter what form you take! Eien No Tomodachi!
Maya: Arrogant and self-righteous, she thinks she is the equal of Garou and deserves our respect. She is wrong.
Bankara: I know Americans can be really tall, but wow.
Skylar: The lone wolf dies alone.
The_kid: Pragmatic and more honest than most.
Gus: If you only fight the battles you are sure to win, the war will never end.
Sandra: Quite ambitious for a Renunciate. Her strength is real though.
Oliver: What hides behind your smile? I wonder if we aren't alike, you and I.
Derek: Vomit Boy?
Bit: He seems rather charming.
Sora: I have seen your skill, now show me your courage.
Hina: A mystery wrapped in secrets and my pack sister under Owl.
Grayson: My pack brother is a wise Theurge, though he still has much to learn.
Jim: If he can learn the art of subtlety, he might be useful.
Riley: A purple haired hypocrite.

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Full Name: Fujiwara, Kaminari
Written As: 藤原雷
Ritename: Eyes of the Storm
Tribe: Hakken
Pure Breed: 3
Auspice: Ragabash
Breed: Homid
Rank: Fostern
Pack: Night Witches (Alpha)
Totem: Owl
Spirit Heritage: 3 (Storm Spirits)
Occupation: Student
Demeanor: Traditionalist
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: 07/20/2001
Apparent Age: Teenager

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RP Hooks
Werewolf.png Kaminari is rich and something of an Ojou-sama, she even has a Hime Cut.
Werewolf.png Her father sits on the Board of Directors for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and provides her with the lifestyle of the Idle Rich.
Werewolf.png At times she may be prone to thinking "Screw The Rules I Have Money! in order to solve problems.
Werewolf.png She is something of a Badass Princess, the Heir to a long line of Hakken tradition.
Werewolf.png As such she was the Kendo team captain at her previous school in Japan and can be a Lady of War when the situation calls for it.
Werewolf.png She also has an affinity for spirits and some have called her a Miko though she is not one formally.

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