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Bankara Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
Derek A wedding ceremony. ...That's it?
Kaminari The pampered lifestyle is a bit concerning, but given your active engagement with the problems this cesspit faces, I suppose I can't complain.
Maya I don't care if you're cowering, or attempting to appeal to my ego with an elaborate act. One way or another, it's not a flattering look.
Sera Maybe my cynicism is showing, but, I'll admit: I haven't made up my mind on you yet.
Shadi You're a little too young to be quite this proactive, but I can't argue with your results. Still, it'd be nice if 'discretion' entered into your vocabulary as more than a twenty-five cent word on a term paper.