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The Renunciate: Dragged through the trauma of her First Change at the age of 33, Sandra is clearly doing her best to make up for lost time. With the bearing of a hardened veteran, and plenty of battle scars to prove her worth as a soldier, she is every inch a Get of Fenris-- until she opens her mouth and says otherwise. A recent renunciate - with, apparently, the kind of ruthlessness and intelligence necessary to be accepted by the Shadow Lords in spite of it - she's in Detroit with explicit marching orders: to help the local Garou shore up their defenses, and spearhead the effort to disrupt Damian Shaw's plans for the city, even if it means putting an end to the man himself. Whether this proves that her acceptance into the ranks of such an elite tribe is a joke in and of itself, or her superiors actually think she's up to the task, has yet to be seen.