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Aaron - If I only had that kind of money. All all Hermetics like that?

Ahana - Is it a bad thing that after you told me why you're probationary, I found myself trusting you less? Which is a shame, I like you otherwise.

Alexandra - Well, at least she didn't jerk me around. Finally, a worthwhile civil servant.

Arthur - Good Old Boy if I ever met one. And one that my gut says is dangerous. No wonder Dr. Vogel gave me his contact.

Maya - What an odd bird. I'm not sure she's all there. Still, I love her music. The first of her kind I've ever met.

Norbert Vogel - Some days I wonder if you even know I'm not in your lab anymore. You barely seemed to notice me while I was there. But you showed me the world is bigger than I could have dreamed, and I'm grateful for that.

Rei - I don't know why, but something seems not right about this girl. Something... very odd. And I mean besides having a drag down fight with Ahana over nothing at all.

Graham - I didn't like how he talked down to me, but he seems well intentioned. Chalk one up to the Hermetics being like that.

Zach - DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! This bastard sets off all my alarm bells.