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Sera: Her burden is a heavy one, I know it well.
Shadi: You are my friend no matter what form you take! Eien No Tomodachi!
Maya: She is not one of us and therefore dangerous. Take her help where it is needed, but watch her closely.
Bankara: I know Americans are tall, but wow. Glad she is on our side or I might need some 3D Maneuver Gear.
Skylar: The lone wolf dies alone.
The_kid: Pragmatic and more honest than most.
Gus: If you only fight the battles you are sure to win, the war will never end.
Sandra: Quite ambitious for a Renunciate. Her strength is real though.
Oliver: What hides behind your smile? I wonder if we aren't alike, you and I.
Derek: Vomit Boy?
Bit: He seems rather charming.
Sora: I have seen your skill, now show me your courage.
Hina: A mystery wrapped in secrets.
Marc: He seems reliable, now let's see how he fights.