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  • Tattoos: Bryn does ink. Want some ink?
  • Lothario: Bryn will go after anyone who seems to be woman-gendered. If this isn't your kind of RP, please let me know. I'll try to always remember to ask.
  • Bad Rap: The Black Shield is not a nice thing to carry. It's more of a curse, and some Fae might know about it.
  • Protector: Bryn has a certain attitude about vulnerable people on the streets, especially younger individuals, runaways, and those in the sex trade. He will step in to protect those he thinks are in danger, anywhere, anytime. It'll probably get him shot someday.
  • Atypical Knight: Unlike a lot of the Sidhe, Bryn has a rather democratic attitude. He spent time as one of those street kids mentioned above, and he isn't one to bash a commoner over the head with his rank.