James Overby/Hooks

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City Councilor: Got business with the City Council? Maybe James can help get it heard.

Venture Capitalist: If there's money involved, James might've heard of it - or may even already be involved, himself.

District 4: District 4 is the second smallest surviving district, next to District 7, after Measure 2 took a few bites out of it. The fact that the commuting avenue to the Grosse Pointes runs through it is probably the only reason it's still intact at all. That and Mr. Overby's staunch defense of it's value and importance, that is. He has defended Measure 2, despite the bites its taken out of his own district, as 'sensible from a budgetary perspective' but has managed to turn his ability to keep the vitals of District 4 intact into a solid voting base that has kept him in office since.