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|Tread lightly.
|Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
|Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
|A wedding ceremony. ...That's it?
|There are days I'm tempted to snap my teeth just to see how fast you can run, but - most of the time - I'm just happy to see someone helping out.
|If they didn't know where CYC was before, they sure as hell do now
|Out of curiosity-- just how badly did you screw up to get this assignment?
|For someone who talks a fair bit, you don't say much, do you? Outside of your performances, of course; it goes without saying that what I've seen of those has been quite lovely.
|...No. On second thought, I was exactly as harsh as I needed to be.
|'''[[The kid|Jack]]'''
|Don't you ''ever'' pull that bullshit on me again.
|You'll get used to it. Eventually. ...Unfortunately.
|I'm willing to write the attitude off as shellshock this time around, but all the same: you can always tell a Philodox by the levels of 'high and mighty' he has in his tone, and that goes double for the Children of Gaia.
|I should have had a better idea of who I was dealing with when I made that suggestion. I'm sorry I put you through that. ...Frankly, I'm sorry I put ''me'' through that.
|The pampered lifestyle is a bit concerning, but given your active engagement with the problems this cesspit faces, I suppose I can't complain.
|You'll make this right. I just hope you remember not to face it alone.
|Six months? How on earth did that happen?
|For what it's worth: if I wasn't guarded, I'd be dead by now.
|*<small>teeth-grinding noises</small>*
|I'd still like to know what this 'punishment' is about-- and why it includes both you ''and'' your ward.
|I think you'll find that my definition of what constitutes an ally isn't nearly as permissive as Sokolov's. Nonetheless, what she says goes.
|You could have told us everything, in a timely manner. You chose not to. Whose mistake do you suppose that is, exactly?
|One raw nerve, surrounded by a minefield.
|Whatever it is, however it plays out, we have to keep telling ourselves-- telling each other-- that we'll get through this. Both of us. Where you go, I go.
|You're quick on your feet, and good with your claws, but I'm still curious to see what else you can bring to the table.
|''Mn.'' Well. That's unfortunate.
|You remind me so much of someone I used to know. (...) To be honest, I can't say for sure if even he would know what to do with you.
|I don't envy you your position here. 'Alpha' is rarely a forgiving role, even if it can be a rather fulfilling one. Here, I imagine it's neither, but - while you have my sympathy - that only goes so far.
|Safe travels. And while I'm sure you'll have no shortage of people telling you as much, I hope you know that my door's always open.
|You're a little too young to be quite this-- involved, but I can't argue with your results. Still, it'd be nice if 'discretion' entered into your vocabulary as more than a ten cent word on a term paper.
|As strangely heartening as it is to know that even wunderkind can make mistakes sometimes, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that it doesn't hurt to be reminded that you ''are'' still young, and, more importantly, still learning.
|If it makes you feel any better: I don't trust you, either. I have no choice but to live with that. Question is: can you?
|The word 'liability' comes to mind.
|'''[[Warez Seeker|Warez]]'''
|No pressure.
|I'm going to do what I can to take your words at face value, but you'll forgive me if, for now, I opt for a 'wait and see' approach.
|'''[[Zach Penn|Zach]]'''
|While I prefer to avoid making those kinds of-- ''wildly'' uncomfortable first impressions, I already have enough blood on my hands. I wasn't looking forward to adding more.

Latest revision as of 20:00, 4 May 2018

Alec: Tread lightly.
Bankara: Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
Bit There are days I'm tempted to snap my teeth just to see how fast you can run, but - most of the time - I'm just happy to see someone helping out.
Cormac If they didn't know where CYC was before, they sure as hell do now
Darius: Out of curiosity-- just how badly did you screw up to get this assignment?
Hina For someone who talks a fair bit, you don't say much, do you? Outside of your performances, of course; it goes without saying that what I've seen of those has been quite lovely.
Jim ...No. On second thought, I was exactly as harsh as I needed to be.
Jack ...Hm.
Jamila Don't you ever pull that bullshit on me again.
Jordan You'll get used to it. Eventually. ...Unfortunately.
Joseph I'm willing to write the attitude off as shellshock this time around, but all the same: you can always tell a Philodox by the levels of 'high and mighty' he has in his tone, and that goes double for the Children of Gaia.
Kai I should have had a better idea of who I was dealing with when I made that suggestion. I'm sorry I put you through that. ...Frankly, I'm sorry I put me through that.
Kaminari You'll make this right. I just hope you remember not to face it alone.
Katie Six months? How on earth did that happen?
Liesl For what it's worth: if I wasn't guarded, I'd be dead by now.
Lies-in-Wait: *teeth-grinding noises*
Marc I'd still like to know what this 'punishment' is about-- and why it includes both you and your ward.
Maya You could have told us everything, in a timely manner. You chose not to. Whose mistake do you suppose that is, exactly?
Misti: One raw nerve, surrounded by a minefield.
Oliver Whatever it is, however it plays out, we have to keep telling ourselves-- telling each other-- that we'll get through this. Both of us. Where you go, I go.
Pax You're quick on your feet, and good with your claws, but I'm still curious to see what else you can bring to the table.
Preston Mn. Well. That's unfortunate.
Rei You remind me so much of someone I used to know. (...) To be honest, I can't say for sure if even he would know what to do with you.
Sera Safe travels. And while I'm sure you'll have no shortage of people telling you as much, I hope you know that my door's always open.
Shadi As strangely heartening as it is to know that even wunderkind can make mistakes sometimes, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that it doesn't hurt to be reminded that you are still young, and, more importantly, still learning.
Skylar The word 'liability' comes to mind.
Warez No pressure.
Xavier I'm going to do what I can to take your words at face value, but you'll forgive me if, for now, I opt for a 'wait and see' approach.
Zach While I prefer to avoid making those kinds of-- wildly uncomfortable first impressions, I already have enough blood on my hands. I wasn't looking forward to adding more.