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Riley: Eeeee PURPLE!

Jace: My friend and bodyguard. I feel strangely at ease talking to her. This is a problem. Also, you are /so/ paying for that.

Bankara: omg she's HUGE.

Sera: Well... I, for one, am going to miss you so much.

Kaminari: Okay. It's ON now.

Rei: Not as creepy as I thought she was. Still FAIRLY creepy, though, and OMG A ROBOT.

Maya: Okay, then.

Skylar: That one time she decapitated that evil guy was TOTALLY AWESOME. Honorary Ninjabi, even if she doesn't always agree with my plans.

The Kid: Y'know, he and I should talk more.

Sandra: That was not quite what I expected!

Zach: You are like the WORST at pep talks.

Aite: The Ginger Artist. Her art has soul yet she has none! HOW?!

Aster: Dronetastic!

Winifred: Well, aren't you just adorable.

Jamila:A feminist lawyer who worked for the ACLU, is a Muslim and also turns into a cat? AWESOME.


Oliver: Sandra's less angry little brother, I guess. Figuratively speaking.

Jim: Texan.

Kai: That's life, I guess.

Liesl A little weird, to be sure, but potentially interesting.

Jae Hmmm...

Hina ...what?!

Damian Shaw: Can you feel it coming in the air tonight?