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“Love is a response to values. The amoralist's actual self-appraisal is revealed in his abnormal need to be loved (but not in the rational sense of the word)—to be "loved for himself," i.e., causelessly. James Taggart reveals the nature of such a need: "I don't want to be loved for anything. I want to be loved for myself—not for anything I do or have or say or think. For myself—not for my body or mind or words or works or actions." When his wife asks: "But then ... what is yourself?" he has no answer.”

– Ayn Rand, Philosophy: Who Needs It

That's Queen Bitch to you.

I would die for you. But then again, I like dying.

Jace is a fun loving, free-spirited gal who is into: Men, Banana Smoothies, Making Love on the Beach, Killing Condescending Assholes and the Smell of Napalm in the Morning. And she loves being called Jacquelina. Try it.

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Shadi, Because this girl is insane. And armed.
Lilian, Because megalomania needed a prettier face.
The Pigs, Because that's the last time she'll try to be a hero.
Katie, Because one lost soul is a malcontent but enough of them is a revolution.
The Future, Because old dead white guys have to be right sometime.

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Jace's Theme

Becoming a Monster

For Love

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Jacquelina Maria Portillo
This is the last one. It's always the last one.

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Kith: Troll. Duh.
Date of Birth: Thursday, April 2nd 1998
Apparent Age: Seventeen or eighteen
Occupation: High powered corporate CEO
Favourite Animal: Poodle
Court: Unseelie

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RP Hooks
  • Jace is a mercenary. She wears a big leather jacket and carries a pair of claws which she will happily use on your face.
  • Jace always keeps her word. She probably won't promise you anything unless it's a merc contract, though.
  • Jace does not like you.
  • She really does not like you.
  • She does, however, like puppies, kittens and rainbows.
  • Jade also likes her large collection of chimerical oddities and Treasures.
  • Go ahead and ask about the collar she's wearing. I'll wait. Isn't it pretty?
  • Jace already forgot your name. And no, she isn't sorry.

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Clothes are for insecure losers.
The Prettiest Cat In Detroit.
I love this shirt.

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Played By: Michelle Rodriguez

Comic courtesy of: E. Horne and J. Comeau, A Softer World