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Revision as of 21:30, 29 May 2018 by Alma (talk | contribs) (Pajarito del cielo)
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Account for the person who plays Alma. She is a programmer, and can be found on github and launchpad as codersquid. A long time ago she was in college for a while and studied psychology together with computer science. codersquid is her username because compared to a coding octopus a squid is a code monkey, and it's funny to call yourself a code monkey. plus, she likes thinking of cognition and sapience in all forms, not just in primates.


/Fun References

/Physical Foci


Pajarito del cielo
Canción infantil

Pajarito del cielo,
Que en mis pies se posó,
Con el pico un mensaje,
De mamá me entregó,

Pajarito del cielo,
Que regresas allá,
Yo contigo quisiera,
Ir a ver a mamá.



see about making npcs that Alma feels responsibilities for


see if it is possible to make a command that someone could use to give a percent chance for alma to appear doing normal job stuff on a map

         ROYAL OAK
          SUBURBS                                                             L
            |                                                                 A
            |                                                                 K
            |                                                                 E
 O       Palmer - - - - - - - - - - - Old North Side - - - - - - - Osborn - - S
  l     University                          |                        |        H
   d           \                            |                        |        O
             HIGHLAND                     NoHam                     O         R
                PARK                    Banglatown                   l        E
                  \                         |                         d
  W               North - - - - - - - - HAMTRAMCK                   E      _/ S
   e               End               ___/   |   \                    a   _/   U
    s               |               /       |    \                    s /     B
     t             New - - Milwaukee        |     \                    t      U
                 Center     Jct             |      \                S         R
                    |        |              |       \                i        B
        - - - Woodbridge - Upper - - - - Poletown - Upper - - - - -   d       S
   S                |      Midtown         East    East Side        /  e
    i               |          \            |         |            /
     d            North - - - Lower - - - Lower - Islandview - Conner
      e          Corktown    Midtown     East Side         \    Creek         R
                    |             \       /     \         Marina          E
                    |              \     /       \                    V
                 Corktown - - - - DOWNTOWN - - - Jefferson        I
                   /                  |     ____/        \\   R
                  /                   |    /              \\
            Mexicantown          Riverfront           T    \\
                 |                                I         \\
                 |                            O              \\
                 |                        R               Belle Isle
              Delray                  T