Wednesday Moves In

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"All life is bound together by mutual support and interdependence."

Date: 07/21/2018

Time: 17:00 EST

Alma's House

The sofa and chairs in the main area of Alma's house have been rearranged to make the way navigable for a person in a wheelchair.


Wednesday is relying on a wheelchair, and Alma agrees that, yeah, using Alex's wheelchair in his grove probably isn't the best idea.

She gets a little derailed on the topic for a bit, going on about the types of wheelchairs that will work and how maybe they could totally make one since she doesn't know how expensive those are, to, uh, buy? rent? but she totally knows how to weld, except maybe Zach should help with welds for things people are going to rely on.

She comes back to the topic at hand (I bet they were on the phone? or texting?), and lets him know how to reach her place. She says she'll probably need help carrying up her porch steps. She knows how to move someone from a wheel chair, but isn't sure she could keep his legs safe while she placed him from his wheelchair to her porch swing.

She has a brainstorm while talking about that to suggest that, hey! he could stay in her backyard because there are no steps.

Wednesday texts back and forth, brainstorming with Alma, and agrees that staying with her would be probably better than eventually causing Alexandra to explode, something he seems fairly certain could literally happen. He tries to explain what happened to cause this - loss of concentration while trying to talk to the LES community of crows - and prepares her for Gregory Peck - the crow he's been bonded with accidentally, and who has agreed to speak for Wednesday.

When Wednesday shows up Alma has prepared the way. She opens up the door, and leads the way in. Will Kai lift Wednesday up on one arm and carry him in?! Kai is super dope like that

"Come in, ok, you can set there for now", She points to a place int he living room where she's moved the sofa and chairs around to make room for the chair to wheel in. "Later I can maybe get some sort of rail so you can move to the sofa and stuff from your chair?" She points to the bedroom on the main floor. "I've got that set up for you. If the door isn't wide enough I can remove the trim for now. I can hire Zach to remodel, you know? I might get him to help put up some bars in the bathroom. Uh, my budget, can you get Aaron to help pay for the bars?"

<<OOC>> Alma says, ".oO( That fucker is rich. Let's awkwardly ask for his help. )"

Kai does not spin him a la one Harlem Globetrotter or anything, no. She just cradle-carries him up the stairs, much like she got him in Alexandra's car in the first place.

Peck flutterhops in after Kai and Wednesday interested in all the things. His speech has gotten smoother in the last couple of days. "Lets not. Plan. On permanent. Lee! Redecorating your house. Aalma. I don't know how. Long I'll be here." Wednesday pulls at the makeshift braces on his legs to make them a little less uncomfortable, and shifts in the chair.

Alma looks over at the CROWbar on her table and decides maybe it's good that she wasn't impulsive enough to start ripping the trim off her bedroom door. But she looks at Wednesday skeptically, "Look, I don't want you to have to use a bedpan even for a few days?" She looks at his braces, then, and thinks maybe he could manage a doorway, but she's not entirely confident about it since he hasn't had a lot of practice yet. "You'll regret falling down and breaking more bones... you need PT to get good at falling down."

She looks at Gregory Peck. "You. Stay right there. One moment." She calls out, drawn out, "Note! Come meet your new roomies." A wild Note appears!

Note lands on Alma and looks down at Wednesday. Who is occupied. With another crow. She doesn't feel as proprietary towards Wednesday as she does towards Alma, but she's still a little disgruntled at this. Does that crow dig in HER pockets. What about the hat, huh? <<You've got another thing coming, Mister, if you think you can sit on Alma, buddy.>>. She ruffles out and puts on her crow pants. But she's also just hamming it up a bit. But still. Her human. But okay, harmony. Note peeks back towards the room. <<We got a window in there. You can fly in and out. Uh, I bet you can't open it, huh? huh?>> She teases Gregory.

Kai is... wait, where is Kai? Oh, she went exploring. In the kitchen. For some water. She returns with a glass, and leans against the doorframe. "Remind me what you were doing?" she asks, which is a funny way to put that, since she hadn't asked in the first place. "The last time I hurt myself that bad it was like... the only option."

GP hops around, looking like he's considering Note - he's getting used to people, but now a strange crow is a problem. He caws loudly at Note while Wednesday tilts his head and gives everyone a shrug and a patient smirk. "Same, only. Option. I check in with crows and. Ravens around town. Share news." Wednesday chuckles soundlessly, a single roll of his chest and shoulders. "I guess there have. Been. A few times when I didn't get it completely right."

<<OOC>> Alma says, "okay you guys, Alma is really pissed for the past few days. Things have just, ugh, people. who don't take care of themselves. I feel so embarassed on her behalf that I have to say it. She's going to be doing some victim blaming here, and being arrogant, and bossy, and embarassed because she partially knows she's doing this, and she has a bunch of hubris because of course she would never be behaving like you and Maya"

"What the fuck Wednesday? I thought you were better than this. We just got done talking with Maya about how she does too much and how she needs to, I don't know, plan ahead!" Alma is pacing around, but not looming. Look at all the arm waving! Note is fluttering a bit while balancing. "You can't be a supportive family member if you pull this kind of shit! There are only, uh, 3 or 4 of us right now? And I tried to talk to one of her other partners and dude is in heaps of shit! He can't be a good partner exactly!"

Big sigh. Another big sigh. Alma starts to slow down, but no, more hand waving "You are being irresponsible! Do /I/ go around frying my brain at overcapacity. NO! I do not. Does Maya? Yes, yes she does. Don't you be like that. I thought we agreed. We will have, fuck circle man, circles are stupid. Roots. The real world... like root systems with branches and a matrix of root symbiosis... trees help each other. Be like a tree!" Note is tired of this and is thinking, hah, you baby mage you think you got everything covered, and nips her earlobe again.

Caw yourself dude. Note makes a clicking clacking friendly crow sound. We're chill. We can manage here. Who, me? be too disgruntled because I'm not used to crow housemates? preen preen.

"Alma," Kai says, evenly, eyes lidding where she stands - and there's a shake of her head. "There's a lot that goes into who does what magic, and why. I've known Choristers who starve and beat themselves for weeks to get themselves to a place where they can receive visions - in the name of pleasing their god." Another little turn of her head. "His willingness to risk himself might be what saves you, someday. You're new, you're learning -" she breaks off, shakes her head. "Don't yell at him." All even, gentle; she isn't mad, she's patient. "What do the crows say?" she asks Wednesday.

Gregory hops closer to Note and the window, mimicking her softer clicking sounds before chiming in for Wednesday. Wednesday's smirk has faded, and his brow is somewhat furrowed. "Aalma, I have time to. Makeup for. Before I came here. I didn't do anything, didn't grow. For years. But too many things have. Gone wrong so I might slow. Down a TAD." Gregory continues, even though he's not really facing Alma or Kai - Wednesday shifts a bit and turns his head to address Kai, though. "They told me about Alma's black. Ribbon, and generally tell me about violence or accidents or. Well, sometimes roadkill. Been meaning for them to watch for. Werewolves."

Alma has calmed a little. She reddened and teared up a little during all that. At Kai's words she started conscously trying to calm herself. breathe in. breath out. She strokes Note a little while she waits to hear Wednesday... Gregory out.

"Roadkill is really nice food. The skin gets all ripped up. Instant easy access to the insides. Kind of ricky on busy roa..." She trails off on that. "I've been warned about spying on werewolves with Note. I mean, I'm not even doing that. We look around for people who need help, ok? They sound kind of narcisstic if you ask me. I haven't met any. But I'm afraid of them. Someone who thinks it's all about him? everything you do? who gets violent? that's dangerous."

Kai's lips purse, and she considers a few seconds before having a drink of her water. "They /are/ dangerous," she agrees. "Always dangerous. Though lots of shit is dangerous; doesn't stop me. I dunno about narcissistic -" she glances aside, and shakes her head; it's clear that she has a book of thoughts on the topic, and doesn't appear to know quite what page to open to. "What do you want with werewolves?" That, to Wednesday.

Wednesday listens to Alma, then Kai, with a tilted head and considering look. Gregory hops down to a chair cushion, facing out towards the room for accidental helpfulness. "I don't know. Any. And I should. Wolves are important, like ravens, CROWS!" This emphasis might not be Wednesday's, he smirks at GP for a moment. "And I'm sure that they aren't. All the same - just like we charm-bearers are. Not."

"You think you have a, a" Alma tries to remember the word Wednesday used, but can't, "destiny with a wolf? Maria thought you were cosplaying. She told me about the wolf."

Kai still seems reserved, but offers, after letting the ice clink back and forth in her glass with the mildest of swishes: "They're suspicious of us," she says. "Mostly. Have a lot of ideas about who we are and what we do that -" she makes a face-pull, something like a grimace, something like a facial shrug, "- don't have a lot to do with who we are or what we do." A pause, then: "So go carefully. Or - I can see if the ones I know will agree to meet." She licks her lips. "It's probably a good idea to have a purpose, a goal in common, before you try."

There is a significant nod towards Alma, and one with less weight towards Kai. "I don't doubt something will turnip. Turn. Up. Just thought I would keep an eye out." He turns back to Alma, the proud look from the pun softening to something more apologetic. "I will slow down a. Little, be more careful. But this is more accident than neglect. I'm sorry to. Have burdened both of you. And. Thanks for all the help. This shows what I was. Suggesting, though. We can look out for EACH other, help. Be more careful, help be better." With this, GP hops back to the window, and starts messing with it, trying to get it open.

"Look, Wednesday," Alma confesses, "I was out of line. I think... I mean, I have good intentions but I was out of line. Listen to Kai, she knows more about," Alma doesn't have the words for it exactly, "how we are in the world. It's not something I know all of yet. That black ribbon," Alma shudders, "I thought I was supposed to face that by myself. It turns out I was mistaken." Alma is calmer now, and she looks at Kai's glass and then towards the kitchen. "Hey, you want anything, Wednesday? Some water, some tea?"

Note, meanwhile, is closer to GP, getting more familiar. Getting things open is fun! Sometimes there's even a snack. what? snack? oh food! She clickclacks at GP and... oh, hmmm, it's Alma. Does she want to share food cached on Alma? oh man, this is tricky stuff. She looks around for Alma's bag, oh hey. Note does hte crow equivalent of getting GP's attention and then noding over towards a dufflebag. <<Check that out. food, yeah. some good stuff.>>

Kai finishes her water, then turns to take the water glass to the kitchen. "I'm harvesting today," she tells Wednesday - you know, kind of tells Alma, but mostly Wednesday. "Need anything? Herbs?" A pause, then, more inclusively: "Plums? Apricots? Nuts?" She seems to be gearing up to go.

Wednesday nods and shrugs at Alma, grin slowly re-establishing a foothold. He nods to Kai at 'plums' and 'nuts.' and mimics drinking from a glass to Alma. GP, meanwhile, is busy with his other new roommate.

"Ooooh, can I have some apricots?" Alma asks Kai. "Let me show you out th back door. You can see our backyard!" Alma is excited about all the changes she's making and wants to share them with Kai. She's wanted to share them with Kai for a long time now, but hasn't ever been sure how much Kai would want to be in the moment with Alma, in the city. Even in this more livable neighborhood.

After showing Kai out, she returns to Wednesday with a class of water and two pitchers. One with slices of lime and cucumber, the other just plain. "Hey, check it out. I can show you some fish. When Maria is here she can introduce you to Perfect Blue, her skink. I've let her know that we'll be hosting you for a while." She adds after a bit, "and that you are eccentric." She grins. "Here's a notepad, ok? I want to talk to you about spirits later... and missing souls."