Maria Hunter-Alvarado/Contacts

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Parents: dead

Paternal Grandparents: Ana María Cofiño Hunter, Magnus Hunter in Chicago

Aunt Alma: my guardian. She lived in New Zealand! uh... kind of embarrassing sometimes. Her Erdős–Bacon number is undefined. Her Erdős number is 5. She is friends with a crow! The crow's name is not Quoth. Starting to get more worried about her. She's hanging around a weird crowd.

Jake Stetman: Math teacher last year


Jim, 0000-0001-7454-085X, and Tori: Collaborators on Aunt Alma's grant.

Maya and Zach: Gave us a ride in an emergency.

Note: A sister to thought.

Wednesday: I admire how he dedicated he is to cosplay. but shouldn't he take a break now and then?